Writer’s Studio

Past Courses

Calligraphy pen writes on lined notebook paper.

Let the poetry-generating marathon begin. In this course structured around NaPoWriMo (National Poetry Writing Month)—an annual writing initiative in which participants write one poem a day for the...

advanced characterization

Characters are the driving force behind story. Indelible, passionate single-minded characters allow audiences to see themselves not just as they are but as who they might be at their heroic or anti...

corporate art style image of a garden in a brain

The focus of this course will be the creation, development, and discussion of autobiographical fiction. The hope is that students will walk away having further learned how to mine and forage their...

Black-and-white photograph of a black pencil atop a page of handwritten notes.

This course will introduce you to creative writing, from generating ideas to revising drafts. Find your voice and develop your craft through in-class and at-home writing exercises, as well as...

Black and white photo of John Edgar Wideman

Whose story is it? Who tells the story and why? How does a writer decide how much to get inside a character's head? What are the advantages of different points of view? We will examine exemplary work...

Craft Across Genres

This course is designed for individuals who want to develop their writing skills across genres, with an examination of how particular techniques, in varied texts, can offer new ways of thinking about...

People walking on a crosswalk

Today’s readers—as well as agents, editors, and publishers— expect stories that include diverse characters authentically portrayed. We’ll explore how to reach outside our own identities and...


This course will introduce you to creative writing, from generating ideas to revising drafts. Find your voice and develop your craft through in-class and at-home writing exercises, as well as...

The fanned pages of an open book.

This course will advance your understanding of creative writing through lecture, discussion, eclectic readings, in-class and at-home writing exercises, as well as discussions of your own and your...

spooky woods

By the 1970’s anti-heroes had taken over the collective imagination in American entertainment. More recently television shows like The Sopranos and Breaking Bad, fiction writers like Gillian Flynn and...