Get involved with our learning community through discussions, seminars, and travel programs.
Writing from Occupied France
Join us on Zoom at noon on September 10 for a conversation with Joseph Heininger.
- Date
- Tue, Sep 10 2024, 12:00 - 12:45pm CDT
- Location
- Online
Writing from Occupied France
Join us on Zoom at noon on September 10 for a conversation with Joseph Heininger.
As a part of the Conversations @Graham
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Information Sessions
Basic Program Info Session
Join the Basic Program for an interactive, online information session.
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The Value of Being Curious
A Conversation with Co-Founding Partner at Floodgate, Full-Time Investor & National Bestselling Author Mike Maples Jr.
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Lectures & Panels
Goethe’s Hope
How does Goethe respond to Kant’s question, “What may I hope?” Simon Friedland explores the poet’s unique approach to hope through literature and myth in this First Friday Lecture.
As a part of the First Friday Lecture Series
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Erica Berger
Life Lessons from Elders
A conversation with New York Times journalist and author John Leland.
- |Online
Jason Smith
Community Initiatives
Securing the Future Symposium
At the gathering, we will explore the foundational values of the Basic Program of Liberal Education for Adults and discuss ongoing, community-wide efforts to ensure that the program’s future is bright.
- |Chicago (Hyde Park)
Lectures & Panels
The Song of Roland Across Time
How has the way we read "The Song of Roland" changed over time? This First Friday lecture explores the poem's evolving significance from the medieval period to the present day.
As a part of the First Friday Lecture Series
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