Calligraphy pen writes on lined notebook paper.

A Poem A Day


This course was available in the past and may be presented again as part of the Open Enrollment curriculum.

Let the poetry-generating marathon begin. In this course structured around NaPoWriMo (National Poetry Writing Month)—an annual writing initiative in which participants write one poem a day for the entire month of April—students will study and draw inspiration from the poetry of dailiness, shared writing prompts, journal entries, letters, emails, and social media posts. Each day, they'll share their results, which may look like full drafts, fragments, haiku, or sections of a longer poem, on a private class blog; each week, they'll bring their most promising poems to workshop. Throughout, students will learn strategies for designing and maintaining a daily writing practice. By the end of the quarter, each student will produce a chapbook-length manuscript draft of 20-30 pages that includes several workshopped and polished poems.


Online registration deadline: Thursday, March 24, 5pm CT.