Open Enrollment

Past Courses

Les Miserables

Hugo's masterpiece Les Misérables is a sophisticated novel that combines history, philosophy, and literature, crossing genres in a way that influenced Tolstoy’s War and Peace, and genuinely earning...

great big novels Joyce

In Ulysses, James Joyce composed arguably the modernist novel par excellence. In the course of telling a story, Joyce explores not only the lives of his characters, but also story-telling itself. The...


The orchestra has become the signature vehicle of Western classical music. Why this has happened is a fascinating story, musically, of course, but also from social and historical perspectives. This...

Impressionistic painting of a ballroom dance scene

Leo Tolstoy is one of the world's great storytellers. this collection, we will explore works ranging from 1862 to 1905 from "The Cossacks" through the great "Hadji Murad" and "Alyosha the Pot." They...


This class is open to all fiction genres and is designed to assist writers in the early stages of their novel. Students with a few pages and an idea, and students with hundreds of pages are welcome...

Map of Haiti and the Dominican Republic

This course will explore key themes from Haiti’s history and culture. We will examine not only how Haitian writers imagine and depict Haitian history and culture, but also how they challenge our own...


This course explores the role of ghosts in the literary imaginary and religious practices of Asia. We will follow journeys to Buddhist afterlives, investigate haunting memories of wars and natural...

haydn and Mozart

Pioneering a style of unparalleled versatility and expressiveness, Haydn, Mozart, and the early Beethoven created a musical repertory of elegance, wit, optimism, and logic that remains the benchmark...

History of Tom Jones

The book by Henry Fielding, The History of Tom Jones, A Foundling (1749), is considered by many to be the first and best of English novels. Though the title would suggest something different than a...


A towering achievement of 20th-century European literature, Sleepwalkers (1932) explores the struggle of the individual in times of changing values.