Open Enrollment

Past Courses

The colorful domes of Saint Basil's Cathedral, an Orthodox church in Moscow's Red Square.

Twentieth-century Russian fiction writers are unique; they risked their lives to compose literature in defiance of totalitarian regimes, secret police networks, and concentration camps. Through...

clock tower

Time has a history. Many people in many moments in world history have worked with, and lived inside of, very different conceptions of time, both everyday and cosmic. In this course, we will examine...

An opera hall with three tiers of red velvet seats and curtains laced with gold.

Not only is the history of opera supremely entertaining, it offers a unique cultural mirror, a barometer of European and American societal evolution. This class examines the great operas, singers, and...


Changing social conditions of the Romantic period encouraged the birth of the solo virtuoso. We will explore the Romantic concerto and the emergence of virtuoso solo parts in the works of Franz Liszt...


This third course in a three-quarter sequence will examine the development of a “world civilization” through the perspective of the West, focusing on the relation between technology and “wisdom.” How...

Mirror for Princes

Xenophon of Athens was a soldier, philosopher, and friend of Socrates. He composed his own Apology of Socrates and led a military retreat of 10,000 Greek mercenaries across Persia. But he is most...

Calligraphy pen writes on lined notebook paper.

Let the poetry-generating marathon begin. In this course structured around NaPoWriMo (National Poetry Writing Month)—an annual writing initiative in which participants write one poem a day for the...

the us capitol building

Thus was Ben Franklin’s quip in response to a query from a curious citizen as to what the Constitutional Convention had come up with. The American Founders were very cognizant of the poor track record...

Sepia photograph of torn paper reading "Roe v. Wade" atop the constitution.

For almost 50 years since the momentous decision of the United States Supreme Court in Roe v. Wade (1973), a woman's right to choose an abortion for at least some period of her pregnancy has been the...

advanced characterization

Characters are the driving force behind story. Indelible, passionate single-minded characters allow audiences to see themselves not just as they are but as who they might be at their heroic or anti...