An illustration of Mars

Explorations of Mars


This course was available in the past and may be presented again as part of the Open Enrollment curriculum.

Everyone is talking about Mars. Is there life there? Will humans ever set foot on the surface? Should we try to establish a settlement? How did we become obsessed with the Red Planet in the first place? Whether you have no prior knowledge of Mars or are someone deeply fascinated with space exploration this course will prepare you to join and lead Mars conversations happening across society. Through non-technical readings, activities, and discussions focused on the history and culture of Mars exploration we will build an understanding of important figures, events, ideas, and trends. A major focus will be learning how Mars has factored into different social and political projects here on Earth, including theological debates, military conquest, scientific exploration, commercial settlement, and many others. The course moves from the earliest visual observations of Mars to recent robotic missions on the planet’s surface, and also considers plans for future human exploration and habitation. Students with backgrounds in the humanities, social sciences, and physical sciences can all expect a deepened understanding of our important cosmic neighbor.

Course Outline

Course Syllabus

All required readings for the course will be available on Canvas.


Online registration deadline: Thursday, Sept 22, 5 pm CT