sculpture of Maimonides

An Introduction to Maimonides


This course was available in the past and may be presented again as part of the Open Enrollment curriculum.

This course will provide an introduction to the medieval Jewish philosopher Rabbi Moses ben Maimun (Maimonides) and his major philosophical work, The Guide of the Perplexed. Through close reading of select passages from the Guide, students will become familiar with the major themes of medieval Aristotelian philosophy and the particular form it took within the context of Judaism. Major themes include the relationship between reason and revelation, the nature of prophecy, the status of miracles, the proper hermeneutics of biblical language, and, ultimately, the proper relationship between human beings and God. Time permitting, we may also look at several of Maimonides' letters to Jewish communities of his day in order to get a better appreciation of how he understood the responsibilities of a philosopher to those who do not live a philosophical life.

Course Syllabus


Online registration closes June 4 at 5 pm CT.

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