
Bulgakov's Master and Margarita


This course was available in the past and may be presented again as part of the Open Enrollment curriculum.

Mikhail Bulgakov’s savage satire of modern bureaucracy alternates between scenes of Stalinist Russia and ancient Jerusalem. Bulgakov literally unleashes the powers of Hell by having the Devil and his entourage—including a vodka-drinking cat, a poet, and Pontius Pilate--visit contemporary Moscow. The ensuing chaos includes a Satanic ball, vampire attacks, and a revisiting of the trial of Jesus before Pilate. Among the themes Bulgakov touches on are guilt, forgiveness, and to what extent we control our own fate. For the first class, please read Book One, chapters 1-6. Edition: Mikhail Bulgakov, The Master and Margarita, Richard Pevear & Larissa Volokhonsky (Translators), Penguin Classics, 2001, ISBN-13: 978-0141180144.

Course Outline

Course Syllabus


Online registration closes June 4 at 5 pm CT.

All Graham School courses use Canvas to distribute files and announcements. You will receive an invitation to join Canvas about a week before your course begins. Remote courses require you to login to Canvas to access the Zoom Classroom. Please visit the Liberal Arts Remote Learning Resources page to find step by step instructions for Canvas and Zoom.