Basic Program of Liberal Education


cubist image of musicians
BASC50113 Autumn

20th Century: The Crisis of Tonality: Music at an Impasse 20th Century: The Crisis of Tonality: Music at an Impasse

We will look at some of the momentous innovations in classical music in the twentieth century, specifically in respect to tonality and problems of “form”: in the seminar, as viewed by three major...

wood block drawing
BASC65111 Autumn

Alumni Sequence: Asian Classical Traditions Autumn Year 1 Alumni Sequence: Asian Classical Traditions Autumn Year 1

Autumn Seminar:

This course introduces Basic Program alumni to three ancient Indian classics: the Rigveda, the Upanishads, and the Bhagavad Gita. The Rigveda introduces readers to a world rich with...

roman ruins
BASC61211 Autumn

Alumni Sequence: The Romans II Alumni Sequence: The Romans II

Corrupt politicians, scandalous celebrities, aggressive foreign policy, upheavals in cultural ideas about sexuality and marriage, income inequality, immigration problems, concerns about the...