Thucydides, Human Nature, and International Politics

Investigate Thucydides' keen understanding of human nature and its impact on modern-day international relations.

Pericles Gives the Funeral Speech by painter Philipp von Foltz.
Apr 01

About the Event

Presented by Basic Program instructors and open to all, these lectures also complement the texts and ideas from our curriculum and always include a Q&A session.

Why do nations go to war? Or cooperate to avoid it? The Greek historian Thucydides is often called the father of international relations studies. His History of the Peloponnesian War written 2500 years ago remains the starting point for a realist understanding of the behavior of nations and their leaders. Thomas Hobbes translated him, Machiavelli and David Hume were influenced by him, the founders and leading thinkers in the modern discipline of IR studies were and remain his students. Part of the enduring strength of Thucydides' thought is his perceptive understanding of unchanging human nature—especially of those exercising great political or military power. This lecture will explore the heritage of Thucydides for the study of international relations, and in particular his wise observations about the role of human nature.

Who's Speaking

Richard Hoskins

Richard Hoskins

Basic Program Instructor

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